Life Term Strategies

1. Huge Gains in Long Term
- Receive significant capital gains
- by investing in corporations
- (with wide economic moat & average peers’ net margin)
- In very very long term

2. Strong Periodic Cash Flow
- Maintain self-sufficient monthly cash flow
- Through dividend, gains on derivative & short term trading
- For re-investment to item # 1 mentioned above

3. Mind for Risk Management
- Ensure strong cash position
- Maintain low risk by continue monitor, analyze & feel:
economic trend & environment,
market condition & investors emotion
corporate performance & outlook
asset allocation & direction

4. Be a holy Christian investor:
- Invest in wisdom & varies ways, but consistent & not over nor under of what the Holy Bible expects a Jesus follower should be
- Keep regular & long term spiritual growth
Continue experience God @ finance market
Aim for life transform opportunities
- Even though it may not teach Billy & Bilibala what stocks to invest nor how to make more, more & more $


McDonald's vs. McCurry's: Tasty victory for little guy

Let's just say, we're loving it.

Last week, McDonald's Corp. lost a trademark infringement lawsuit against McCurry's, a family-run restaurant in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The judge ruled that the American fast-food mega-chain doesn't own the "Mc" prefix, at least not in Malaysia.

Looks like the court determined McCurry's deserved a break that day.

With all the money McDonald's spends on marketing, attempts to protect the brand are understandable.

But going after the little guy is rarely a great public relations move for corporate giants. After all, rooting for the underdog is as American as a hamburger and fries.

And it's apparently as Malaysian as curried rice. After all the publicity brought on by the lawsuit, McCurry's is ready to open a string of franchises.

If there was some danger of people confusing McCurry's with McDonald's, the massive restaurant chain might have a case.

But with billions of burgers sold, McDonald's surely is a recognizable brand the world over, even when another restaurant uses some of the same letters in its name.

It's not like anyone will confuse a Big Mac for any of the traditional Malaysian dishes on McCurry's menu.

One of the little upstart's popular dishes is the fish-head curry. You won't find that on the dollar value menu.

The Wall Street Journal reports that McDonald's has 32,000 restaurants worldwide and annual sales of $70.6 billion.

We couldn't help but grin a bit when heard about the Malaysian judge handing this multi-billion dollar McBully its comeuppance.

Good thing McDonald's loves to see us smile.

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