Life Term Strategies

1. Huge Gains in Long Term
- Receive significant capital gains
- by investing in corporations
- (with wide economic moat & average peers’ net margin)
- In very very long term

2. Strong Periodic Cash Flow
- Maintain self-sufficient monthly cash flow
- Through dividend, gains on derivative & short term trading
- For re-investment to item # 1 mentioned above

3. Mind for Risk Management
- Ensure strong cash position
- Maintain low risk by continue monitor, analyze & feel:
economic trend & environment,
market condition & investors emotion
corporate performance & outlook
asset allocation & direction

4. Be a holy Christian investor:
- Invest in wisdom & varies ways, but consistent & not over nor under of what the Holy Bible expects a Jesus follower should be
- Keep regular & long term spiritual growth
Continue experience God @ finance market
Aim for life transform opportunities
- Even though it may not teach Billy & Bilibala what stocks to invest nor how to make more, more & more $


Bilibala Finance Portfolio - Mar 10

Top 10 Holdings @ Mar 31, 10
  1. China Life Insurance 8.4% M/M (reduce)
  2. China Mobile Ltd (2.7%) M/M (add)
  3. Google Inc 7.7% M/M (reduce)
  4. Wells Fargo & Company 13.8% M/M (no change)
  5. China Consturction Bank Corp 8.5% M/M (add)
  6. Manulife Financial 3.9% M/M (add)
  7. Berkshire Hathaway Inc 1.6% M/M (no change)
  8. Imperial Oil Limited 0.8% M/M (no change)
  9. General Electric Company 13.3% M/M (no change)
  10. Intact Financial Inc 6.1% M/M (no change)

Bilibala Portfolio by Sector @ Mar 31, 10

  1. Insurance 32.3%
  2. Telecommunication 24.6%
  3. Banking 13.3%
  4. Information Techology 7.0%
  5. Conglomerate 5.8%
  6. Energy 3.2%
  7. Property 2.3%
  8. Health 2.2%
  9. Food 1.7%
  10. Others 7.5%

Bilibala Portfolio by Region @ Mar 31, 10

  • Asia 7 (add 1)
  • USA 16 (add 2)
  • Canada 10
  • Europe 6 (add 1)

Investing in 39 corporations in total.

Performance & Market Stat @ Mar 31, 10

  • S&P500 up 5.9% M/M, up 4.9% YTD, 2005-10 average return (0.7%)
  • Toronto up 3.5% M/M, up 2.5% YTD, 2005-10 average return 5.2%
  • Hong Kong up 3.1% M/M, down 2.9% YTD, 2005-10 average return 7.9%
  • Shanghai up 1.9% M/M, down 5.1% YTD, 2005-10 average return 18.7%
  • Bilibala Finance up 5.5% M/M, up 2.4% YTD, 2005-10 average return 24.8%


如果我是巴菲特(下) 主權基金


一年前, 負責投資/創作以及管理資本帳的 Bilibala 和神開圓桌會議(聽証照肺會). 耹証的有:
  • 創天造地又在股市/債市/樓市作主作王的神/聖靈
  • 負責分析和管理經常帳的 Billy
  • 負責靈性關顧(In-spirit-or relation)和內在醫治的護士 Bilive (Billy 第三個較隱性的 character)
  • 剛退休, 想投資又想置業的老佛爺
  • 多多鬼煮意, 一直認為投資 = 賭, Cash = King, 肥嘟嘟的小得
第一回 求原諒 08年11月
老佛爺:「那些投資 5年能否升回?」
Bilibala :「不知道, 2-3年左右」
小得:「10年都不可能回升, 人家一早(20,000點) 就沽清離場, 識進要識退嘛! Cash is King.」
Bilibala 為單邊對沖虧損以及所投資一切企業的市價暴跌再次向神, 向 Billy & 向老佛爺求原諒:「我在 08年9-10月單邊對沖做錯了. 另外, 在恒生指數 32,000只沽出 3成股票, 在 26,000幾乎完全買回. 也許這也是錯.」
Billy:「所有企業內在價值不變, 雖然 26,000點再入市不是最好時間, 但也合理.」
Bilive(可以代表神):「單邊對沖做錯, 因為這在 Billy & Bilibala 理解下, 這是賭. 其他投資, 你不用求赦, 因為你沒有得罪神. 你也不是神, 無法預知未來.」
Bilibala :「主啊! 多謝你! 我以為會聽多 D話」

第二回 求救 09年2月
Bilibala :「資金被單邊對沖虧和資產暴跌抽乾, 情況極度危險. 主啊! 你肯救我嗎? 定還是像正義朋友般指責我貪心? 逼我沽清離場?」當時 Bilibala 處於極度驚慌之下.
Bilive: 「你肯認錯, 神可以用資金支持你渡過難關(延遲部份捐獻). 你每日尋求神, 我亦可以協助神替你 inter healing, 令你每日壓力得以舒緩, 回復信心. Billy: 由今日起, 你每日提交 Bilibala/老佛爺/小得/身邊所有人/市場的心理分析報告給神, 記念一切受災的人.」
Billy:「係! 我亦可以在經常帳抽調所有資金注資救你.」
Bilibala :「主啊! 多謝你! Billy, thank you!! 我會盡力做好投資, 不會再令大家失望.」
Bilive:「你投資賺錢是你的本份, 但神喜悅是因為你順服同聽話, 和賺蝕的關係不大.」
Bilibala :「主啊! 我當怎樣行?」
Bilive: 「1) 賺錢是你的本份, 這要繼續; 2) 神同 Billy聯手注資, 這等於從你手上買了資本帳的主權. 3) 單邊對沖是賭博, 你永遠不能再沾手, 不然, 神會將更重的咒詛臨到你; 4) 今後, 你仍是基金主管, 但 Billy 會由分析屍升為風險主管. 替我監督你, 一切都要詳細分析後才行動; 5) 我要每日替你做 inter healing 同加多親近主的時間 6) 善用你感性把握這機會去和身邊人身同感受」
Billy & Bilibala :「主啊! 你的僕人錯過痛過, 今後會完全聽命.」
Billy:「主啊! 我會做好分析, give Bilibala all my feedback. 只要我的分析比其他世界級分析屍/經濟屍精明準確, 我就歡喜. 至於賺蝕? 我不太介意, 反正經常帳怎樣, balance 也是零.」

第三回 All in 09年3月
Bilibala :「個市不斷插水, 點算?」
Billy: 「政府改會計制度, 之前加大 money supply, 注資銀行股, 買"毒"債, 減息, 借用房爛尾同房太美繼續借, GM 一破產就等於殺掉工會勢力, 基建計劃, 退稅/稅優惠 on 車/屋.......全部都是正面而且有實際穩定信心和一切資本帳的作用.」
Bilibala :「但所有分析屍/經濟屍都唱衰.」
Billy:「我不知他們為何唱衰, 我只做好分析.」
Bilibala :「人家說 dow jone 會跌到3,000; 恒指會跌到8,000, 又會打仗.」
Billy:「有這可能, 我看出恐慌心理充滿了你/老佛爺/小得/身邊所有人/市場所有人的心靈」

在那時 Bilive 每日為所有人及政府祈禱. 神又每日醫好 Bilibala 的恐慌.

Bilibala :「Let's all in!! Since everyone is fear and ignore the fact u just mentioned.」
Billy:「All in? 但假如dow jone 真的跌到3,000又會打仗, 我們連最後一點現金也沒有.」
Bilibala :「跌到3,000又打仗, 你一定失業, 銀行也破產, 你有 cash 一樣死. 左右都死, 當然 all in 不死的大企業.」
Billy:「如果 all in 後你失業又如何?」
Bilibala :「公司有注資, 死不了. 就算死, 也要我替它收屍埋數嘛. 現在市價同你分析價相差, 有4倍, 6年至少賺 3倍.」

Billy:「巴菲特剛出年報, 他說前景 ok.」
Bilibala :「讀完勁安慰. 感謝神, 這年報真是及時雨.」

於 是 Billy & Bilibala 在神同意下分十次 all in Wells Fargo, Google, Berkshire Hathaway, China Construction Bank etc etc. 又12 供 5 股 HSBC Holding

Bilive:「你賺 3倍 or 4倍, 用幾多年賺也可以, 你只要聽話.」

=> 由09年 3月開始, 創天造地又在股市/債市/樓市作主作王的神安慰了世人的失落, 鼓勵了世人的起初信心, 而這起初信心透過互相激勵的作用, 終於令經濟慢慢回復, 又令股市/債市奇妙地迅速反彈.

第四回 Rebound 09年10月

當 Billy & Bilibala 經歷過這場迅速下跌又迅速反彈的金融風暴後, 對神的認識同敬畏就油然而生.
Bilibala:「死! 投資講求果斷, 但如果 Billy 分析出錯, 又或者我太自傲, 將來再遇一次金融風暴, 我死定!! 主啊! 你要救我.」
Bilive:「投資幾乎完全收復"高"地, 今次 Bilibala 贏了漂亮一仗, 神也憺心 Bilibala 今後會變得目中無人/神. 所以, 神說要為他安排緊身咒s, 去保守他不致去得太盡.」
Billy:「僕人也有所準確, 安排了一個3-4年後才發揮作用的"炸彈", 到時, 可以令他略為放手.」
Bilive:「好. 但未夠. 神會安排. 你們等等, 繼續做聽話的小朋友.」

=> 09年10月, 神注入 Bilibala 資本帳的資金正式開始退市.
(Charge back on 08-09年要等到10年中才會發生)


Bilibala: as I said, regardless whether this is related to politic or not, it is a lot better than keeping cash.














正是在這種處境下,數據和信息業務的增長被寄予厚望。王建宙認為,5.27億用戶將產生的規模紅利最明顯的體現就是數據業務,此前手機音樂有3億用戶使 用,每人每月4塊錢,一年實現的收入超過100億,目前手機報已有幾千萬用戶,飛信也增長迅速,“現在計劃創造更多的100億元的業務。”

“當手機支付成為用戶的習慣後,也將大大減少離網率,保持收入穩定。”王建宙表示,根據中移動在重慶、湖南、廣東四地的試點經驗,今後在與多數大型商業銀 行打交道的同時,必須要有銀行的強有力支持,這需要跟一家銀行結成戰略合作關系,因為未來手機支付不僅僅局限在小額支付,還有手機轉賬和匯款等新功能的增 加,“所以要對銀行戰略投資”。






他解釋此次之所以要通過廣東公司入股,是因為按照銀監會的規定,非金融機構投資金融業只能是由中國內地注冊的公司進行,而中移動的上市公司是在香港注冊, 因此不能展開經營,廣東公司既是中移動的全資子公司,又是內地注冊的公司,在一定限額內,根據銀監會規定,是可以經營金融業務的,“備忘錄中簽署的所有條 款都會符合監管部門有關部門投資的政策。”







據王建宙透露,目前遠傳電信項目正在推進,第一步將在台灣地區建立一家名為“縱信”的公司,該公司本身不是經營電信業務,但將來會作為投資遠傳電信的主 體,該公司是通過中移動在荷蘭收購的特殊目的公司(Special Purpose Vehicle)在台灣地區申請成立,目前已經得到批準。目前台灣地區公布的目錄當中,還沒有包括第一類業務,即基礎的電信業,王建宙希望,台灣地區在下 一個目錄中增加該項業務,這樣就可以快速開展業務。





《21世紀經濟報道》徐志強 北京報道


TORONTO - Brookfield Asset Management Inc. (TSX:BAM.A) announced a plan Wednesday to sell part of its stake in wood panel maker Norbord Inc. (TSX:NBD) in a secondary offering worth about $150 million.

Brookfield said it will reduce its stake from 73 per cent to about 53 per cent after the sale of the shares.

Norbord will not receive any cash from the offering.

Under the deal, a syndicate led by TD Securities and RBC Capital markets have agreed to buy nine million shares of Norboard for $16.70 per share.

Norbord shares, which were halted pending the announcement, were down 18 cents at $17.66 on the Toronto Stock Exchange on Wednesday.

A Brookfield subsidiary is selling 8.68 million shares, while 320,000 shares will be offered by management of the corporation including Norboard president and chief executive Barrie Shineton and chief financial officer Robin Lampard.

The underwriters have also been granted an over-allotment option for up to an additional 900,000 shares held by the Brookfield subsidiary.

Norbord is one of the world's largest producers of oriented strand board and also makes particleboard, medium density fibreboard, plywood and other products.

Brookfield, which had been the largest minority shareholder in Norbord, stepped up last year stepped up with $144 million to back stop and take control of the struggling company.


Bilibala: Good article. in order for China to be as mature as USA. I think at least take 20-30 years.





日本GDP曾经在1970年占到世界GDP的13%, “Made in Japan”的产品全方位地挑战美国的世界霸主地位。但是,日本冲击世界第一宝座并不成功。石油危机等周期性变化对日本的长期竞争力影响并不大,但是结构性障碍却阻止了它的进一步上升。上世纪90年代资产泡沫破灭后,日本政府迟迟不愿推进银行改革,令信贷收缩长期化、板结化,窒息了经济发展的动力。人口老龄化,使得内需长期不振,公共负担日益沉重。日本已经失去了两个十年,正在进入第三个失去的十年。







Bilibala: good article, on the other hand, as long as China Mobile will focus on its telecommunication business alone, the deal is still healthy. It just diversify its investment away from cash, not diversify its business/operation.

想饮牛奶,系咪需要买只牛?答案当然系 NO!所以笔者认为,想做手机银行业务(Mobile Banking),又不一定需要入股,甚至买一间银行。现时它基本上已与多家内地银行合作拓展手机银行业务,故此,从表面资料推测,其入股内地银行,颇大机会是阿爷需要。

翻查数据,浦发银行自 2003年 1月至今,已 4次进行「增发」股份的融资行动,相信是内银股中其中一间再融资次数较多的银行。在融资了这么多次仍要再融资,自然难以再透过一般途径融资,寻找其他帮手亦是理所当然。 在过往历史,有不少成功的企业,由于入股或拓展至其他完全无关连的行业,引致最终失败收场,令公司出现巨额亏损。

美国著名的投资专家 Peter Lynch便常以「 Diversification」一词来形容一间企业将其业务拓展至与本业完全无关的领域,因而招致重大亏损。 所以 Lynch主张,有太多剩余资金的企业,假若资金没有更佳用途,倒不如以股息回馈给投资者,又或用以从市场回购股份,令股价上升,总胜于将资金胡乱投资至其他不相关之行业。



Lynch所讲的「 Diversification」,除了指企业投资于一些全无关系的行业而招致亏损外,他亦用以指出,投资者在投资组合中过度分散而招致损失。其中一个例子便是持有过多不同的股份,假若你将资金平均投资于超过 100只不同的股票,虽然其中一只出现亏损,对你的影响相对有限。但若其中一只大升,你所获取的总回报亦相对有限。同时,更大问题是,投资者持有大量不同的股票,当中大都是亏本的,因为赚钱嗰啲早已沽咗。

作者持有中移动(941)及相关衍生工具 作者谭绍兴为证监会持牌人士

McDonald's US Sales Getting Boost

Bilibala: yeah!! McDonald's!! I'm loving it!!


NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- McDonald's Corp.'s (MCD) domestic same-store sales are getting the biggest boost from breakfast and snacking items, helped by recent launches of a $1 breakfast menu and the Mac Snack Wrap, McDonald's Chief Financial Officer Pete Bensen said Wednesday.

Otherwise, the fast-food giant isn't seeing anything "dramatically different" in consumer behavior during the last several months in the U.S., where McDonald's recently reported a slight increase in same-store sales in February, outperforming its competitors.

McDonald's average sale has also been "relatively stable" this year, but has taken "a little bit of a hit" during breakfast due to the new bargain menu.

Bensen, speaking at a Bank of America/Merrill Lynch conference, also said McDonald's expects price increases in 2010 to be below historical levels.

McDonald's typically raises prices between 2% and 3% each year to help keep pace with inflation in food and other costs, but Bensen said that any increase this year "will probably be less than that." The fast-food chain has spoken of diminished pricing power in recent months, though it comes at a time when commodity costs are expected to be benign.

"Right now as we sit, we don't see a tremendous opportunity to take price," Bensen said. "But the fact that our cost environment is so good, that's not troubling to us."

The Mac Snack Wrap, priced at $1.49, is also proving an attractive lure to get customers to trade up from the Dollar Menu. Bensen said 40% of Mac Snack Wraps sold are to customers who would have otherwise bought an item for $1.

McDonald's focus for the upcoming year lies in menu innovation, with beverages like frappes and smoothies planned for launch in the coming months, and improving service with new cash-register systems and double drive-through lanes with screens that display orders.

It's also renovating more than 2,000 restaurants this year. In the U.S., Bensen said McDonald's contribution to store remodels will likely be similar to the amount it spent during the installation of McCafe, when McDonald's paid for 40% of the costs needed to upgrade buildings.

McDonald's shares, flat in recent trading at $65.10, are up 24% over the past year.

-By Paul Ziobro, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2194;

China Mobile investing $5.8B in Chinese bank

Bilibala: the plan is great, 1st it is better use of its cash to invest in a bank instead of holding cash; then the demand on cell phone banking is in needed, according to China Mobile's CEO, this $5.8B investment will strengthen its 2010 sales by 2% which is a good start.

China Mobile Ltd., the world's biggest phone company by subscribers, said Wednesday it was investing $5.8 billion in a Chinese bank as part of a plan to develop mobile phone banking and business services.

Under the agreement, China Mobile will pay 39.8 billion yuan ($5.8 billion) in cash for 20 percent of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, the cell phone company said in a statement to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

The two companies plan to work together to develop mobile phone services involving customer payments, bank cards, money transfers and other so-called e-commerce businesses.
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is a mid-sized lender based in Shanghai.

Google Apps Store Challenges Microsoft

Bilibala: customrize app store is a great business to be in, but it works like a snow ball. The more app u had, more customers to d/l, more d/l, more programers willing to write more app. Can Google or Microsoft beat Apple? May not be, but sure each of them able to take a share from this growing pie.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. TheStreet -- Google(GOOG) has opened up another front in its war with Microsoft(MSFT) by launching a new online store for business applications.
More on GOOG

Market Activity

In a company blog post, the Internet giant explained that the Google Apps Marketplace lets users find, deploy and manage cloud-based business applications. More than 50 companies are already using the Marketplace so sell applications, including small business software specialist Intuit(INTU).

Once installed to a company's domain, the apps will work like native Google applications. The programs can also interact with Google's Gmail, calendar and document offerings, Google said.
Clearly Google's new online store aims to increase the pressure on rival Microsoft.

Google and Microsoft are increasingly stepping on each other's toes in an attempt to open up new revenue streams. Microsoft has been charging hard with its Bing search engine, while Google's Chrome OS is a direct challenge to Microsoft's dominance in the PC market.

Like much of the tech sector, Google is hell-bent on boosting its cloud-computing story. Cloud services, which offer specialized applications, compute power and storage via the Internet, are said to be the next big thing.

Rival Microsoft also has its head firmly in the cloud. Earlier this year the software maker announced a $250 million cloud partnership with Hewlett-Packard(HPQ), and is also keen to speed up the development of cloud applications.

More recently, Microsoft began charging for its Azure offering, which is aimed at developers that want to create cloud-based applications. Microsoft is also planning to launch a second cloud initiative, dubbed Natal, later this year.

The challenge for Microsoft, though, is how to boost its cloud story without it eating into the rest of its business. Cloud services comprise much lower margins than Microsoft's traditional software sales.

Google may not face the same margin dilemma as Microsoft, although it does face fierce competition from the likes of, which has racked up more than 72,000 customers for its cloud-based solutions.

Apple's(AAPL) App store has already harnessed the phenomenal demand for consumer applications, something that Google and Microsoft would love to emulate for business users.
Investors should expect to see some Microsoft/Google clashes along the way.


Ahead of the Bell: 'Alice' success good for Disney

Bilibala: Disney is in a nice pace during the economy recovery. To me, the postor of "Alice in Wonderland" doesn't look cute, but I will definitly go and watch "The Ocean" and "Toy Story 3".

NEW YORK -- Analysts see "Alice in Wonderland" as a much-needed hit for The Walt Disney Co., but note the returns from one movie aren't enough to move the needle on its financial results.
The adventure through the looking glass earned a blowout $116.3 million in its opening weekend - a record for a 3-D film and for a non-sequel.

Analyst Doug Mitchelson at Deutsche Bank ( DB - news - people ) said his tentative estimate was that Disney ( DIS - news - people ) could ultimately make $200 million from the movie. More importantly, he sees the movie as kicking off a recovery in content for Disney, "which has been in an 18-month dry spell with duds like Bedtime Stories, G-Force and A Christmas Carol."

This summer, Disney will debut "Toy Story 3" and "Iron Man 2," followed by the second "Cars" movie and the fourth installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean" next summer. A recovery in content can drive success for the whole company, he writes.

Tony Wible at Janney Capital Markets also noted that the success of "Alice" was a "much needed boost" for Disney, but said it wouldn't change his earnings estimates, which already factored in some returns from the movie.

He highlighted another weekend drama as more significant for Disney's prospects. New York-area cable company Cablevision Systems Corp. ( CVC - news - people ) reached a deal with the local Disney-owned ABC affiliate for retransmission, giving cable subscribers the signal back 14 minutes into the Academy Awards broadcast.

MetLife buying AIG's Alico unit

Bilibala: AIG's brand name was totaly distoried during the financial crisis, I don't think is smart to acquire any of its subsidaries. Insurance is a competitive industry, there are almost no product differentiate at all other than the corporate brand value and its credit rating.

Policyholders are willing to pay higher cost of insuruance for a famlious and reliable brand. Once its brand name being distoried, there will be minimum value of new business.

MetLife said on Monday that it would pay AIG $6.8 billion in cash and about $8.7 billion in equity for its American Life Insurance Co (Alico) unit, confirming an earlier Reuters report.
Founded in 1921, Alico sells life, accident and health insurance as well as retirement and wealth management products in more than 50 countries. The deal will help MetLife, already the largest life insurer in the United States and Mexico, diversify revenue by product, distribution and geography.

MetLife will get a boost in Japan, the world's second-largest life insurance market, which accounted for 70 percent of Alico's pre-tax operating income in fiscal year. Alico will also strengthen MetLife's position in Europe and move it into a top five market position in many emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.

MetLife expects the deal to increase its 2011 operating earnings per share by 45 cents to 55 cents, excluding one-time expenses of 12 cents. It sees annualized post-tax cost savings of $50 million to $75 million.

"Rarely does one come across a deal that has such a strong strategic fit and is also such a financially attractive proposition," MetLife Chief Executive Robert Henrikson said during a conference call.

Still, such a large deal comes with risks, said Clark Troy, a senior analyst at Aite Group.
Alico's strength in Japan also ties MetLife's fortunes to an aging society with a huge public debt overhang, he said.

"If (Japan) falters or slips back into deflation, MetLife might face challenges growing revenue," Troy said in an e-mail late Sunday, before the deal was announced.

The deal comes after AIG agreed to sell its Asian life unit, American International Assurance (AIA), to Britain's Prudential for $35.5 billion, the largest insurance sector deal ever.

The AIA and Alico deals will allow AIG to repay the U.S. government about $31.5 billion in cash, with more expected as the insurer sells Prudential and MetLife securities over time.

AIG will use the $6.8 billion in cash from the Alico deal to redeem part of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's $9 billion preferred interest in a vehicle that holds the unit.

The proceeds from the two deals should help AIG pay down all of its Fed debt, but it will still leave the government holding roughly $47 billion in equity investments, including the amount drawn under a $30 billion equity line. The government will still have a nearly 80 percent stake in AIG.

To untangle itself from AIG, the government is likely to follow a strategy similar to what it has used with Citigroup Inc (C.N) in a process that will probably take years.

The sale of Alico comes after months of negotiations and became possible after the New York Fed, advised by Morgan Stanley (MS.N), agreed in March 2009 to swap its debt into equity in special purpose vehicles that AIG created to hold AIA and Alico.

Early last year, MetLife offered about $11 billion for the unit, but the price went up in the months after March 2009.

The equity portion of the price consists of 78.2 million shares of MetLife common stock valued at $3 billion, 6.9 million shares of contingent convertible preferred stock valued at $2.7 billion, and 40 million equity units with an aggregate stated value of $3 billion.

The common stock and equivalents would give AIG a 14 percent ownership in MetLife, MetLife Chief Financial Officer William Wheeler said.

The equity units are set to convert into common shares roughly three years after closing, Wheeler said. Taking those into account, AIG's ownership in MetLife would go above 20 percent, sources familiar with the matter said on Sunday.

But Wheeler said he expected AIG to start selling the shares as soon as it could under a lock-up agreement.

"I am not sure how much shares they will own at any one time, but I suspect it won't get close to 20 percent," Wheeler said.

AIG must vote its shares in proportion to the way the rest of MetLife's outstanding shareholders do, Wheeler said.

MetLife expects to finance the cash portion of the deal with issuances of $3.1 billion in senior debt and $2 billion of common stock, as well as $1.75 billion in cash on hand.

Both boards have approved the transaction, which the companies expect to close by the end of 2010.

Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX) was lead adviser to MetLife, which was also advised by Barclays Capital (BARC.L), Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAC.N), Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) and HSBC (HSBA.L).

AIG is being advised by Citigroup, Goldman Sachs (GS.N) and Blackstone Group (BX.N), according to several sources.

AIG shares were up 5.3 percent to $29.58, while MetLife was up 5.1 percent to $40.90, both during morning trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

(Reporting by Paritosh Bansal; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn, Dave Zimmerman and John Wallace)

CCB's outlook on 2010 new lending

Bilibala: giant bank is better than small/mid bank even in China, a country where huge banks have much more social responsibity & political concern than the commerical banks. Sometimes, conservative can be a good character, a little lower return with much lesser risk.

Govt targets 19 pct loan growth for banking sector (Adds details, background)
BEIJING, March 8 (Reuters) - China Construction Bank (0939.HK), China's No.2 bank by assets, said its new lending will grow by a modest 10 percent or more this year, as banks slow new loans growth following a lending binge in 2010 under Beijing's economic stimulus programme.

CCB Chairman Guo Shuping gave Reuters the forecast on the sidelines of the National People's Congress in Beijing on Monday, adding that the bank expected its provision ratio for non-performing loans to remain above 170 percent this year.

Chinese banks posted a record 9.6 trillion yuan ($1.406 trillion) in new loans last year, fuelling concern they were sowing the seeds for a new crop of bad debts down the road.

The government has targeted 7.5 trillion yuan in new lending this year, down from last year but a figure that would still lift the industry's overall outstanding loan volume by 19 percent from the end of 2009.

CCB (601939.SS) and China's other biggest lenders including ICBC (1398.HK)(601398.SS) were relatively conservative in their lending last year compared with mid-sized and smaller banks, which sharply turned up lending in response to Beijing's 4 trillion yuan stimulus plan aimed at boosting consumption.

As a result, many of those smaller banks are believed to need new capital to boost their adequacy ratios.

China CITIC Bank (0998.HK)(601998.SS) is actively exploring raising capital [ID:nBJC002509], and China Merchants Bank (3968.HK)(600036.SS) is launching a $3.2 billion rights issue, but this week said it should require no further capital raising for at least the next three years. [ID:nBJB003703]

Bank of Communications (BoCom) (3328.HK) (601328.SS), China's fifth-largest lender, said last month that it planned to raise as much as 42 billion yuan via a rights issue in Shanghai and Hong Kong to bolster capital.



周六晨早近 8點, 不是做懶訓豬, 而是 refresh 呀 refresh 在床邊的 laptop. 皆因今日(2/28)是股神巴菲特主理的公司 Berkshire Hathaway Inc(巴郡)派成績表和巴菲特出 chairperson's letter 的大日子. 已經和巴菲特作了三年* 伙伴(股神是這樣稱呼其小股東)的 Bilibala 自然要先睹為快.* Bilibala 當其 B股$4,900跌至 $2,300 時曾分了大半年手 :P還記得上年今日, 當所有人信心跌到谷底, 當所有數據同股/債市跌到似乎仍未見底的時侯. 神就借著巴郡的年報大大安慰了 Billy 和 Bilibala. Bilibala 在今年巴郡的年報又學習了不少:
  • 巴菲特對 book value 的理解: 巴菲特認為 book value 雖然無法完全反映甚至低估其內在價值, 但比起隱含市場心理, 波動非常的 stock price/market value 更反映企業的成果. 金融風暴, 傳媒集中佈導巴菲特如何老貓燒鬚, 巴郡book value 跌 9.6% . 忘記了同期 S&P 500 跌了 37%. 兩年打下來, 巴郡book value升8.3%, S&P 500 仍是跌20.3%. 可見傳媒愛嘩眾取寵, 有時非常誤導
  • 對企業收購合併(即投資企業)的合理值有新體會. 依家收購合併以股換股方式合併, 何謂合理收購價變得難以計算. 但巴菲特有他獨到見解. 他還笑言有次他投資的大銀行高價收購一迷你銀行. 巴菲特:「似乎太貴」那大銀行 CEO:「不打緊, 那只是間迷你銀行, 無關痛癢.」巴菲特的拍擋芒果:「我們是否因為吠我們的惡狗是狗仔而非聖班納而鼓掌?」(哈哈)

巴菲特亦好謙虛, 值得牙刷刷的 Bilibala 羞愧和學效:

  • 之前GEICO的員工反對我(巴菲特)開信用咭生意, 我不聽勸, 結果虧損. 我一直以為我越老越聰明, 原來我只是老了
  • 假如我, 芒果和 Ajit (Mid America Energy CEO)坐沉船一齊掉下海, 而你只能救一個, 請你救 Ajit. 因為你最需要他
  • Netjet 由收購至今虧損不少, 負債不斷加, 沒有及時向你們報告是我的不是
  • CEO應為企業過失負 100% 責任

巴郡仍有 $5B(稅後) derivative liabilities, 除掉浮盈 net earnings 每年大約是$4B, $56B的股票未來 5年大約會再升 $12B(稅後), 再加 $8B 新股, 所以, 5年後 shareholders equity 應有 $180B. 以 1.6倍 book value計, 巴郡值 $288B, 較現在$193B 市值高 49%, 每股內在值應是 US$123.78.



Bilibala: Short term impact, should be a good opportunity to buy more. I think it is a better use of the extra cash China Mobile had

近日盛傳可能斥資400億元認購浦發銀行(600000-CN)約22億股定向增發股份的中國移動,股價今早初段逆市走弱,現跌2.28%至72.95港 元,成交826萬股。中國移動發布公告確認,已就入股浦發銀行的規模達成協議,將通過投資浦發銀行擴展移動電子商務業務;但將專注於開發增值服務。中國移 動同時表示不排除與其他銀行合作的可能性。



China Life Jan 10 sales up

Bilibala: China Life's sales is growing in a nice double digit pace as the insurance penetration improved, on the other hand, I think the stock price has reflect this growth expectation. Therefore, the future rise will rely heavily on investment performance.

March 3, 2010 (Chinavestor) China Life Insurance (NYSE:LFC), the largest Chinese life insurer, reported premiums income, or revenue from sale of insurance policies, for the month of January 2010 as follows. Total premiums income from 1 January 2010 to 31 January 2010 was about RMB41.8 billion ($6.119 billion).Given that 2009 January sale of insurance policies was RMB36.6 billion ($5.3579 billion), January 2010 numbers represent an increase of 14.2% from last year data.

Another important development to notice is that January 2010 data is by far the best achieved by China Life Insurance (NYSE:LFC) in the last 13 months as the following chart testifies.


Shares of China Life Insurance (NYSE:LFC) have been under weather along the uncertain outlook for the Shanghai Composite Index. China Life derives a significant portion of total net income from investment returns related to the performance of the Shanghai Composite Index. China Life Insurance (NYSE:LFC) has a significant investment in index heavy weight stock such as Petrochina (SHA:601857) and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (SHA:601398).

If China Life Insurance (NYSE:LFC) can demonstrate strong revenue growth - as is the case fro January - stock price appreciation will follow.



⊙记者 卢晓平 ○编辑 王颖





























































Bilibala: I admit that China Mobile's 3G growth is slow and do not have the monoply position like it always does in 2G. On the other hand, I think all 3 corporations should have enough room to growth since the telecommunication market in China is huge enough for 3 to share the profits.

中金公司 陈昊飞



被减薪 中国移动为什么?

Bilibala: wa, learn more about China Mobile, may be i should pay more attention and analysis on industry comparison.


  继2009年11月被定义为纵容手机“黄毒”泛滥的罪魁祸首,被扫黄后,2010年2月24日,有传言称中国移动又因为平均薪酬高于央企平均水平被国务院国有资产监督管理委员会要求降薪,并按照 “薪酬连降5年,每年递减10%”的原则执行。












Bilibala: interesting sharing!! Analyzing makes a person healthy, but over excite/depress may make a person unhealthy, how can we have the 1st one without the latter one?

from 譚紹興投資學堂

日前在内地的报章,看到一名 99岁高龄的长者,其长寿秘诀想不到竟然是炒卖股票,真有点令人意外!据报道,此老翁自退休后便开始进入股市,当一名全职股民。在过去十多年,他每日也在早上 9时多便到证券行,一直坐至午后 3时收市才离开。可能基于这关系,他十年如一日地过着如此有规律的生活,人也自然较为健康。



可是假若港股的每日波幅也如昨日般,高低位相距 600点,则不但不能长寿,对健康可能有一定影响,非有良好心脏负荷能力不可。

Opinion on Berkshire Hathaway

Bilibala: after reading Berkshire Hathaway's 100 pages annual report on the weekend and I've increased the fair value of class B share from US$117 to US$123.,0,0,0" >"/>" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#000000" height="380" width="400" quality="best" wmode="transparent" scale="noscale" salign="lt" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Pepsi Co 2010 Outlook

Bilibala: I like Coca Cola much more than Pepsi. But in terms of doing business & investment, I like Pepsi more than Coke. Pepsi is much more deversify (other than soda carbonated drinks, its juice, snack and healthy food business are much stronger than Coke), plus its management to me, act more proactively than Coke.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - PepsiCo Inc (PEP.N) backed its outlook for 2010 and said it expects earnings per share to rise at a low-double-digit rate on an constant-currency basis in 2011 and 2012.

The soft-drink maker, which just closed its purchase of bottlers Pepsi Bottling Group and PepsiAmericas Inc, said it expects earnings per share to grow 11 percent to 13 percent this year on a constant-currency basis.

Pepsi archrival Coca-Cola Co (KO.N) surprised Wall Street last week with a similar move to buy the North American operations of bottler Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc (CCE.N).

In an interview with CNBC on Monday, Pepsi Chief Executive Indra Nooyi said the old model of having bottlers separate from the main syrup company was a "relic of the past."

Combining bottlers with the main franchise will help the companies compete better in a U.S. beverage industry where "the profit pool is not growing enough to feed the companies," Nooyi told the business news channel.

The new model will also give the beverage makers more flexibility while distributing new products, she said.

Nooyi said she was optimistic about Pepsi's prospects following the completion of the bottler deals, but added she was worried about the next 12 to 18 months, considering weak U.S. consumer confidence levels amid high jobless rates.

Pepsi shares were up 1 percent at $63.18 in early trade.

(Reporting by Dhanya Skariachan; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn and John Wallace)

HSBC 2009 results

Bilibala comments: quite disappointed result, net interest income down, loss provision up, and deposit down. The only good is thx to its AOCI balance up, equity balance up 37% compare to last year. Further investigation is required to determine HSBC's updated fair value.

Underlying performance significantly ahead
  • Underlying pre-tax profit up US$4.7 billion or 56 per cent to US$13.3 billion, after excluding the goodwill impairment in North America in 2008.
  • On a reported basis, pre-tax profit down 24 per cent to US$7.1 billion.
  • Reported profit attributable to shareholders up 2 per cent to US$5.8 billion.
  • Positive jaws, with revenues up 8 per cent, costs down 4 per cent, and cost efficiency ratio 47.5 per cent on an underlying basis, after excluding the goodwill impairment in North America in 2008.
  • Dividends in respect of 2009 totalled US$5.9 billion, or US$0.34 per ordinary share, with a fourth interim dividend for 2009 declared of US$0.10 per ordinary share.
  • One of leading dividend payers in financial services. HSBC has declared dividends in respect of last three years totalling more than US$24 billion.
  • Earnings per share down 17 per cent to US$0.34 (2008: US$0.41).

Capital advantage and strong liquidity position maintained

  • Generated capital in every quarter. US$10.2 billion added to capital base through underlying profit generation.
  • Successful rights issue. US$17.8 billion added to shareholders' equity.
  • Enhanced capital position. Tier 1 ratio improved to 10.8 per cent, ahead of target range.
  • Distinctive liquidity position maintained. Held over US$1 trillion in deposits and ratio of customer advances-to-deposits was 77.3 per cent at 31 December 2009.

Diversified business model delivering profits through the cycle

  • Profitable in all regions excluding North America, but performance constrained by lower demand and deposit spread compression.
  • Loan impairment charges improved in US. In run-off consumer finance business, loan impairment charges fell by US$1.6 billion, offset by a rise in other regions.
  • Achieved very strong results in Global Banking and Markets.
  • Commercial Banking delivered profits in every region despite economic challenges.
  • Built on position as leading international bank in mainland China. Market value of strategic investments increased to US$25.4 billion and expanded our own network to 98 outlets.
    Supported our customers through downturn. In the UK we made available £15 billion of new mortgage lending.

Well positioned for economic recovery

  • Two-speed economy. Expect emerging markets to grow three times faster than developed ones in 2010.
  • CEO's principal office relocated to Hong Kong, at heart of our most strategically important region.
  • Regulatory environment remains uncertain, but HSBC's strong capital and liquidity position and transparent structure position us strongly.
  • World's most valuable banking brand and Euromoney's 'Best Global Bank'.


The information provided in the entire blog is not intended to provide legal, accounting, tax or specific investment advice. The information presented was obtained from sources believed to be reliable; however, I cannot represent that it is accurate or complete. I assume no responsibility for any losses, whether direct, special or consequential, that arise out of the use of this information. This information is subject to change without notice. Stock performance are not guaranteed, their prices change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Please do your own investigation, or contact your own professional advise, before investing.