Life Term Strategies

1. Huge Gains in Long Term
- Receive significant capital gains
- by investing in corporations
- (with wide economic moat & average peers’ net margin)
- In very very long term

2. Strong Periodic Cash Flow
- Maintain self-sufficient monthly cash flow
- Through dividend, gains on derivative & short term trading
- For re-investment to item # 1 mentioned above

3. Mind for Risk Management
- Ensure strong cash position
- Maintain low risk by continue monitor, analyze & feel:
economic trend & environment,
market condition & investors emotion
corporate performance & outlook
asset allocation & direction

4. Be a holy Christian investor:
- Invest in wisdom & varies ways, but consistent & not over nor under of what the Holy Bible expects a Jesus follower should be
- Keep regular & long term spiritual growth
Continue experience God @ finance market
Aim for life transform opportunities
- Even though it may not teach Billy & Bilibala what stocks to invest nor how to make more, more & more $


Outlook on Real Estate in China

DJ 市場快訊﹕中國政府的政策將繼續有利於房地產發展商 - DBS

香港時間1148(道瓊斯)--DBS稱﹐中國5月份房地產價格的上漲速度快於預期(一線城市的部分房地產項目的價格在過去5個月中上漲了20%以上)﹐這是受逐漸釋放的住房升級和投資需求推動。雖然最新的價格漲勢已經引發政府的關注﹐但該行認為﹐政策不大可能發生變化。該行預計﹐為了提振經濟﹐政府的政策將繼續有利於房地產發展商。補充說﹐該行追蹤的大部分地產股當前的估值尚未完全反映潛在的價格上漲因素。推薦瑞安房地產(0272.HK)﹐因其面向上海市場的業務較多﹐還有華潤置地(1109.HK)﹐因其增長前景強勁。瑞安房地產現跌2.0%﹐至4.78港元﹐華潤置地下跌0.5%﹐至15.84港元。(延遲一個小時發送) -0- 版權所有(c)2009道瓊斯公司

Bilibala's comments:
China's real estate has good potential, on the other hand, it also include risk such as lots of sepculative trading, too many undevelop lands to push the price down, competition between many property developers, plus it is hard to estimate the market value of one particilar land/building.

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