Life Term Strategies

1. Huge Gains in Long Term
- Receive significant capital gains
- by investing in corporations
- (with wide economic moat & average peers’ net margin)
- In very very long term

2. Strong Periodic Cash Flow
- Maintain self-sufficient monthly cash flow
- Through dividend, gains on derivative & short term trading
- For re-investment to item # 1 mentioned above

3. Mind for Risk Management
- Ensure strong cash position
- Maintain low risk by continue monitor, analyze & feel:
economic trend & environment,
market condition & investors emotion
corporate performance & outlook
asset allocation & direction

4. Be a holy Christian investor:
- Invest in wisdom & varies ways, but consistent & not over nor under of what the Holy Bible expects a Jesus follower should be
- Keep regular & long term spiritual growth
Continue experience God @ finance market
Aim for life transform opportunities
- Even though it may not teach Billy & Bilibala what stocks to invest nor how to make more, more & more $


China Life premium may 09

  “在省内寿险市场上,最具有标本意义的城市是省城济南,这里聚集了全省所有的保险机构。今年夏天,这里的市场格局发生了变化。一家独大的中国人寿,正在被平安人寿慢慢迫近,甚至在局部,后者已经超过了前者。在保险业内,衡量一家保险公司业绩的一项关键指标是:保险代理人销售保单首年度实现的保费,即新增保费,简称FYP。它对公司地位和队伍士气影响重大。记者了解到,1-4月份,平安人寿济南分公司FYP 约1.33亿元,占比37% ,而中国人寿FYP约1.21亿元,占比约 34% 。时间回到 2008年,平安人寿全年的FYP 是2.76 亿元,而中国人寿则为2.99 亿元。中国人寿要略微超出平安。”
  6月7日本报刊登了《省城寿险市场不再“ 一家独大”》的新闻,看到“一家独大的中国人寿,正在被平安人寿慢慢迫近,甚至在局部,后者已经超过了前者”时,笔者感到吃惊,随后笔者从有关方面了解到的最新数据显示,到今年 5月19 日,中国人寿济南市分公司个人代理保费收入为 43235 万元,市场份额37.82% ;平安人寿济南分公司的个人代理保费收入为43388 万元,市场份额37.95% 。
  十年河东 十年河西
  其实,市场这个东西最难预料,十年河东,十年河西。上世纪90 年代时,平安人寿是济南市场的老大,而在2000 年,中国人寿山东省分公司及时调整了中国人寿济南市公司的领导班子,这一届领导班子把中国人寿在济南的市场份额一步一步提升,最终超越了平安人寿,稳稳坐上了老大的位子。但是,到了现在,为什么号称保险界“黄埔军校”的平安保险没有因为跳槽频繁而耽误发展,相反中国人寿济南市分公司的竞争优势变得不再明显呢?这确实是值得探讨的问题。
  可以预料下一步,济南市场上的寿险份额争夺将更加激烈,因为目前有越来越多的寿险公司已经把目光放在济南本部上。笔者了解到,因为山东省各城市发展比较均衡,许多有势力的中小型寿险公司发展初期把精力放在了省会以外的其他城市,但随着公司品牌价值的提升和产品适销对路,在全省和济南市场显示了很强的竞争力。如新华人寿山东分公司个人代理保费收入在全省市场稳步提升的同时,在济南市场上也同比增长28.94% ,占省城市场份额的6.06% 。

Bilibala's comments
China Life's premium dropped mainly due to
1) Ping An's prior year growth was slower and kind of like a catch up right now;
2) Switch in China Life's direction - to sell longer term insurance like 5 years or above instead of short term one between 3-5 years.

In long run, long term insurance contact should be more profitable than short term, because it involve less uncertainty and can set up more accurate assumptions on pricing the product.

So I think China Life is still in pretty good shape right now.

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