Life Term Strategies

1. Huge Gains in Long Term
- Receive significant capital gains
- by investing in corporations
- (with wide economic moat & average peers’ net margin)
- In very very long term

2. Strong Periodic Cash Flow
- Maintain self-sufficient monthly cash flow
- Through dividend, gains on derivative & short term trading
- For re-investment to item # 1 mentioned above

3. Mind for Risk Management
- Ensure strong cash position
- Maintain low risk by continue monitor, analyze & feel:
economic trend & environment,
market condition & investors emotion
corporate performance & outlook
asset allocation & direction

4. Be a holy Christian investor:
- Invest in wisdom & varies ways, but consistent & not over nor under of what the Holy Bible expects a Jesus follower should be
- Keep regular & long term spiritual growth
Continue experience God @ finance market
Aim for life transform opportunities
- Even though it may not teach Billy & Bilibala what stocks to invest nor how to make more, more & more $


China Bank breach on regulation

市傳內地會下調銀行準備金率,改善資金流動性,消息帶動5大內銀A股全線倒升2%-6%,內銀H股跌幅收窄至1%-3.8%。(ad/d) 在靠後的“八﹑金融機構審計情況”中 北京(道瓊斯)--中國審計署(China National Audit Office)週三稱﹐經審計及審計調查發現﹐6家中資銀行2008年違規貸款超過人民幣300億元(合43.9億美元)﹐反映出這些銀行對基層分支機構的管理存在薄弱環節。 這6家銀行分別是中國工商銀行股份有限公司(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., 1398.HK, 簡稱﹕工商銀行)﹑中國建設銀行股份有限公司(China Construction Bank Corp., 0939.HK, 簡稱﹕建設銀行)﹑中國銀行股份有限公司(Bank of China Ltd., 3988.HK, 簡稱﹕中國銀行)﹑交通銀行股份有限公司(Bank of Communications Co., 3328.HK, 簡稱﹕交通銀行)﹑中信銀行股份有限公司(China Citic Bank Corp., 0998.HK, 簡稱﹕中信銀行)以及招商銀行股份有限公司(China Merchants Bank Co., 3968.HK, 簡稱﹕招商銀行)。 審計署今年早些時候表示﹐經審計發現﹐中國四大國有商業銀行中的工商銀行﹑建設銀行和中國銀行這三家銀行2008年的違規貸款總額達人民幣60億元。 審計署在全國人大常委會(Standing Committee of the National People's Congress)的一次會議上發表報告稱﹐這6家銀行2008年違規發放土地貸款﹑虛假按揭貸款以及向不符合條件的房地產企業提供貸款人民幣215億元。 報告還表示﹐這些銀行2008年還向不符合國家產業政策或未經批准立項的投資項目發放貸款人民幣107億元﹐另外﹐因貸後監管不嚴有人民幣43.6億元信貸資金違背貸款用途。 報告未詳細介紹這6家銀行中每家銀行的違規貸款情況。 審計署稱﹐目前已收回違規發放的貸款人民幣273億元﹐審計工作完成後已有489人次受到處理

Bilibala's comments
Because of the 準備金率, which limited the bank to lent money out, that's one of the reason the bank will breach the rule in order to increase profit.
I am not saying this is appropriate, but since all the bank is doing it, I don't think it will affect the stock price at all.

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